[ubuntu-art] ubuntu plymouth script theme space sunrise idea 0001

Andre "Osku" Schmidt andre.osku.schmidt at osku.de
Tue Jan 5 06:54:11 GMT 2010

On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 05:37 +0000, Bob Hazard wrote:
> It looks stunning, although I'm a bit worried about the metaphor of
> Ubuntu blocking out the sunlight. :P   

it's a monolith, it's full of stars! ;P
(but yeah, as said, just a quick test, nothing final)

> How about trying an
> Ubuntu-shaped (maybe rotating) sun?

i could try...
and anyone else can try too, should be easy. read the readme and edit
the desired part(s) in the svg file.

> I must say that the logo rotation looks much smoother than the upward
> movement of the sun.  Is this just an artefact of the ogg recording?

all the movement is defined by the progress of the boot, and i don't
have a real test system yet, so it may look even unsmoother there...

> 2010/1/4 Andre "Osku" Schmidt <andre.osku.schmidt at osku.de>:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > http://osku.de/post/plymouth_space-sunrise_ubuntu.ogv
> > http://gitorious.org/oskude-plymouth-themes/space-sunrise/commits/ubuntu
> >
> > it's nothing what i would call final, just a few minutes modification to
> > the base idea (master branch). feel free to dip dub and del! :)
> >
> > cheers
> > Andre "Osku" Schmidt
> >
> > ps. and for fun:
> > http://osku.de/post/plymouth_pacman2d.ogv
> > (sorry no code yet, needs cleanup and some extra functionality;)

ps. pacman is online, now with ghost :)
(does 3 boot runs, normal, fsck inteferring, after fsck)

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