[ubuntu-art] New Wave Plasma

Bob Hazard linuxoflondon at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 1 08:07:18 GMT 2010

Looks great, which font is that in the screenshot?

2009/12/31 Saleel Velankar <svelanka at gmail.com>:
> I had mentioned this before but I am working on a plasma theme, to be
> thematically similar to newwave gtk. Newwave works pretty flawlessly in the
> gtk+ engine for kde. I did the panel, and the tasks to the best of my
> ability (learning as I go here) and this is what it currently looks like. I
> will create a wiki page for it tommorrow ( I hate editing wikis.)
> After the panel is done, I am really at a loss on how to proceed, mockups of
> what will be stylistically consistent, for the various widget parts are
> really needed (for example an analog clock). I will post the current version
> of the theme to the wiki tommorrow.
> goodnight.
> --
> Saleel
> --
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