[ubuntu-art] .doc, .xls, etc icons in Humanity Update

François Degrave fdegrave at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 16:18:15 GMT 2010

On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 17:04 +0100, François Degrave wrote:
>> On Wednesday 17 February 2010 07:38:23 am Merk wrote:
>>>> I'm not asking why the OS X was directly copied instead of either Windows
>>>> one.  I'm asking why any existing Word icon was copied at all.
>>> It is a mimetype and as such needs to visually represent a certain type of 
>>> file. It goes without saying that when everyone associates a certain 
>>> look/letter/number with something they don't search for other visual 
>>> metaphors. People expect certain things to look certain ways ;)
>>> --
>>> Ken
>> Ok but it feels uncomfortable 
> Thats really awesome. :)
> Then using those files types should be reduced rather than complaining
> about the icon ;)
Those filetypes are supported by OOo. No need to associate them to icons 
referencing to Ms applications not supported under Linux. As far as I 
know, there is no reference to Adobe in the pdf files icons.

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