[ubuntu-art] initial burg screenie

Chris Tooley euxneks at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 17:20:08 GMT 2010

>> Agreed, however, I was following Lasse Havelund's mockup here:
>> http://blog.lassehavelund.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/uboot.png
>> Should I abandon the background and instead keep the reflections? Or,
>> should I remove the reflections?
> If you keep the reflections, please make them subtle. Study how real
> reflections become blurry going downwards.
> Saleel is right, the flat icons suggest to not try to suggest depth.

This is agreeable to me :) I will implement sans reflection.

>> I'm slightly inclined to abandon the background as keeping it would
>> make the grub loader more ubuntu 9.10 specific, however, on the other
>> hand, I know a lot of people are looking for a unified bootloader,
>> loading, login screen.
> No reflections doesn't mean you have to keep that background. Opening
> another possibility ain't helpful, is it? ;)

Good point :)

See, this is why I like an open community.  Communication is great :)

Thanks all, I'll update later with a newer picture.


P.S. My current iteration of the burg theme works as far as I can see.
Should I upload the theme somewhere, perhaps to launchpad?

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