[ubuntu-art] Lubuntu Spec

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Mon Dec 6 18:42:18 GMT 2010

On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 18:38 +0100, Julien Lavergne wrote:

> You can find more information about the artwork used for Lubuntu on
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Marketing . It includes the actual
> palette of colors we used, and logos you can use.

Well, that page shows some artwork, but no word about the reasoning and
strategy behind it. We can help you developing it, but the core of it
should come from you.

> Also, I don't think the Inspiration, and Palette sections are accurate
> for Lubuntu (but you already said it :)). 

If you can define why any single element doesn't seem appropriate, we
might be a step further.

> And I don't understand what
> you mean in the TODO section. Is it something to add with the
> submission, or work to do for other specs ?

The Todo with comments:

 * Define colors used in the panel, windows. Evaluate them in light of
the intended message (lightness, performance). Suggest changes

# The wallpaper has to go well with the panels, some icons and the
window theme. Before you start to design wallpapers accordingly, you
should make sure these elements are as they should be.

Note that it's also fine to start with the wallpaper, to then adjust
everything else. But you have to plan your schedule accordingly.

 * Identify icons likely to appear on the desktop

# The icons that will appear on the wallpaper.

 * Create templates that allow to see proposals in context

# This one will become clearer once I manage to release a little utility
and explain what it does.

 * Select associations and metaphors and work on literal or abstract
takes on them. 

# In the Xubuntu case, we have a rather long and wide list and actually
might want to eliminate some. A literal take on a cheetah, for example
would be a recognizable depiction of such an animal on a photo or as
illustration. An abstract take might just take a few cues from the
appearance of a cheetah. Maybe just a single curve, bend in a
characteristic way.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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