[ubuntu-art] Artwork Team Logo - Submissions due today!

Blau Araujo blau.bass at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 12:33:11 GMT 2010

Hi, everyone and Vishnoo

First of all, I apologize for not participating so actively in this
discussion. Not only because my English is not good enough to develop
full arguments, but mainly because I've had a season with many shows
(I am also a musician in a blues band).

Back to the question of the logo, here in Brazil, in November, I
proposed the same issue for debate. I believe that our artwork team
(as well the other teams) do not exactly need a logo, but a generic
pictogram that is capable of representing the idea of community in
which we could insert a picture to distinguish the teams.

So far, we are inclined to abandon the logo idea (that I posted here
before), in favor of some kind of stylized speech bubble as the base
pictogram. We are still studying alternatives, but you can see how
far we come, here: http://wiki.ubuntu-br.org/BlauAraujo/Artwork (the
text is in portuguese, but you can jump to the pics, which
are self explanatory).

Now, even being a discussion of the Brazilian team, I do not discard
these ideas as a submission to this team. In a sense, a universalized
system of pictograms can be very useful since it gives a visual unity
to all community environments, despite language, that Ubuntu users have

That's it! Sorry Google translator, please. :)

On Fri, 03 Dec 2010 16:44:21 +0530
Vishnoo <vish at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2010-12-03 at 10:07 +0000, Ivanka Majic wrote:
> > There is something about this one that I like:
> > http://www.flickr.com/photos/55752892@N05/5166498982/in/pool-1507468@N25/
> > but fear that a compass is an outdated idea. A paintbrush really
> > says artwork. 
> > 
> As i mentioned in my earlier mail, It's like just using a '?' in a dot
> for a 'Support team' logo.
> Just to illustrate the problem of resembling actions i did a quick
> rough iteration, [attached, Notice the top row and bottom row. ]
> I'm not saying the bottom row solves the issue, but just a better way
> than using a brush with a dot.
> > > > Regarding the closing date. Weren't we waiting on Ivanka's
> > > > survey result to identify the scope of this team? And there was
> > > > the indecision on whether the team should be an Ubuntu Artwork
> > > > or an Ubuntu Design team?
> > A thousand apologies for being late with this. 
> No worries.. :-)
> > Should have it nailed today and we can talk results next week. I
> > have it in big red letters on my to do list but that hasn't helped!
> Awesome!

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