[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Daniel's edits review

Sebastián Porta sebastianporta at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 01:19:16 BST 2009

El 17/09/2009, a las 20:06, "Cory K." <coryisatm at gmail.com> escribió:

> Cory K. wrote:
>> Ok. Here we are 1 week later. LOTS of stuff happenin' in my personal
>> life so I beg everyone's humble forgiveness as I try to get this  
>> train
>> going again.
>> So, let me clue in everyone to what Daniel has done so we can all  
>> be on
>> the same page.
>> With Breathe installed, use this:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Breathe-Edit_0.10.tar.gz
>> This is a set that includes Daniel's edits and inherits Breathe.. Now
>> while the color consistency is striking, overwhelmingly, people I  
>> showed
>> them to felt they were bland. The liked the strength of the base set,
>> but felt that the consistency saw better with Daniel's edits. So, we
>> need to achieve some sort of balance.
>> Here's where the folks on the list chime in. Keep it informative and
>> please no unhelpful "I like 'em!"s. I'm thinking we can script  
>> Daniel's
>> edits to raise the saturation a bit. But that also effects the plate
>> layers. Something I'm not keen on, but, seems no way around it.  
>> Unless
>> things can be applied to specific layers? Sound nuts?
> Ok. Since nobody has chimed in Daniel, Sebastian and I will have to  
> move
> on our own.
> Sebastian - Can you chime in on what you do and don't like? It's  
> alot so
> I know it can be hard.

I just saw Daniel's message, somehow I missed it :P
I'll look into the edits tomorrow with more detail, but I can said for  
what saw that overall I like them.

> Should we just up the saturation across all the
> edits? Then remove icons we don't like?

Sounds good to me.

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