[ubuntu-art] Instead of subject, mail contained Bobcat.

Saleel Velankar svelanka at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 14:00:33 BST 2009

Nathan Beaumont wrote:
> Ok, I've attached my colorized version.
I like what you have done with the rocks, in the background however 
before coloring the cat, I think the first priority is to turn the 
sketchart into clean lineart. I will work on this. When this is done, we 
will have some options on whether we want to handle this as an svg, or 
perhaps do the coloring in ps/gimp. I guess we are all working on this 
as a wallpaper, so most probably svg will be how we go. Kind of like my 
Mr. Bun proposal in jaunty. If we want to use this image for a cd cover 
of something else, we may wish to use something else.

Since I for one, am trying to get this into a community package, we have 
some freedom with the color scheme (do we even have a community walls 
package?). Until the official team parts the clouds and tells us that 
lucid is still primarily brown with the colors changing in lucid +1, I 
would like play with more colors.

Anyways all this is just my thought pattern, I think the first step is 
convert this into clean lineart.


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