[ubuntu-art] Looking for a dark gtk theme base

Alex Armstrong alehandrof at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 15:10:11 BST 2009

Hi folks,

I posted about a theme called Nine a few months ago. Since, then I've
been working on a dark theme, a kind of re-imaging of Dark Room.

I've currently re-written it twice. The first time using an evolved
version of Nine, originally based on Shiki-Colors 2.1, back when it was
using clearlooks. And the second using my study on dark themes,
ClearLUX, originally based on SzerencseFia's LUX 0.9x, Human-Clearlooks

Both have inexplicable bugs the other doesn't. I am working on fixing up
the second revision, which I prefer; but if I fail to do so, I am
looking to re-write it. Can anyone recommend a good dark theme to use as
a base? The engine doesn't matter, as long as it's not pixmap, though
murrine would be preferable.

I've taken a quick look at Dark Room and it seems pretty solid. But I am
loathe to use it as a base so as to avoid unconsciously accepting its
design choices. That is why I started with my Nine code, which I know
very well and reflects my own biases/preferences, and then proceeded to
permit some of LUX's ideas, which I think is very well thought out.

Perhaps I'm nitpicking; since all dark themes, even the best hybrid
ones, are riddled with bugs in OO, Firefox, and even Evolution.

Thanks for you help,

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