[ubuntu-art] breathe submission: iPods

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Sat Mar 21 20:41:34 GMT 2009

daniel planas armangue wrote:
> I add new iPod models for breathe submissions
> enjoy, download svg's and coment ;)
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions

Can these come up as HW specific devices (gnome-dev-ipod.*) now or
should we look for a more generic media player image?

If it needs to be generic, (multimedia-player.*) I want us to create a
touch-screen looking device with some controls on it. Anyone up for that?

We /could/ do both. Use 1 of these submissions for gnome-dev-ipod.*
(we'll use the 1stiPod one) and a new one *something like* (but not
quite) the iPod touch with visible player controls. Something that looks
like an evolution of RockBox. (www.rockbox.org)

-Cory K.

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