[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] system-update-install

Oliver Scholtz 1 scholli_tz at yahoo.de
Mon Mar 16 18:13:46 GMT 2009

Am Montag, den 16.03.2009, 12:56 -0500 schrieb Ryan Prior:
> 2009/3/16 Oliver Scholtz 1 <scholli_tz at yahoo.de>
>         > I think that if you used Oliver's box with those sort of
>         arrow glyphs,
>         > it would look better and more Breathe-like.
>         If doing it, so correct :)
>         See my attach ... ;)
> The up-and-down arrows say to me, "transfer" or "sync". The current
> "update manager" icon in Human looks very illustrative of refreshing
> and renewing the packages to me, in that it shows the cyclical arrow.
> I think that your current cyclical arrow on the CD looks good like
> that as well. However, the "transfer/sync" on your attached photo
> doesn't do it for me, as those arrows have already been used by others
> before for non-update purposes.

Like a quick skize in my attach? But why to hell arrows? :D
>         > I think it doesn't matter. Open or closed no imports.
>         > But a open-box in ralistic look is a big problem for small
>         sizes.
> Yes, now that you mention it I can see that. Perhaps arrows showing
> how the box opens would be feasible, like on unpacking instructions?
> It seems to me that if the metaphor is that software comes in a box,
> then opening the box and taking the software out is analogous to
> installation and thus is the ideal illustration of the process!
>         PS: You understand Pyth, Ryan? :)
> I don't think I do. Is it a jokev ? o.o
I meant the RendertoBitmap-Script. It's in or for Phyton?

Sincerly Oliver Scholtz
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