[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] system-software-update (a quick idea)

Oliver Scholtz 1 scholli_tz at yahoo.de
Tue Mar 10 17:03:07 GMT 2009

On Mo, 2009-03-09 at 11:12 -0400, Cory K. wrote:
> Cory K. wrote:
> > I think the idea is sound. I want the gloss pulled down on the arrow and
> > I'd like you to work on the icon for the package manner at the same time.
> >   
> Package *manager
> -Cory K.


for the Package-Manager I thought this would be a good base (see attach
"ark.png"). I think a CD on one side and a disk on another would be
This package looks like a Icon from Oxygen ... I never saw it before,
but I like it. Would be nice to get the svg-file of it - so the wheel
don't needs to be invented a second time ...

The second attach (packet.svg) is a svg-file in my old repositories I
created a long time before ...

Now the ask is:
Which of both would be better?

If the "ark.png"-attach is more your favorite (more similar to the
package-mimetypes-Icons Breathe is using ...), so it would be nice to
know where to find this svg-Icon for no redraw it all again. :)
I searched yet for it, but I couldn't find it. :(

Sincerly Oliver Scholtz
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