[ubuntu-art] [BREATHE] Lighting in breathe actions icons!

Cory K. coryisatm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 10:12:01 BST 2009

mac_v wrote:
> Cory K. wrote:
>> I do want to note that we *can* choose to do this at times. These are
>> buttons not actual objects like screens, folders and such.
> folders also have light from below...
> choosing either way is OK, but when u "SET" a fixed lighting source from
> above as the default, and choose to ignore it for *folders and action*
> buttons, which by the way are the *most commonly used icons* , then what
> is the point?


>  if those icons which the user is always going to be exposed to have
> lighting from below , then all the rest of the icons which have the
> light from above seem like the odd ones ! In my opinion this would be a
> flaw ...

And you're welcome to your opinion.

-Cory K.

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