[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] "New" glyphs

Cory K. coryisatm at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 21:53:09 BST 2009

Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 13:08 -0300, spg76 wrote:
>> I uploaded to the wiki a few ideas for the "new" glyph (the one you
>> see on a new file, new folder, new message, etc.)
>> Let me know what you think and feel free to make any suggestions.
>> Thanks.
> I'd take Nr. 5. Putting a glyph into a circle only means that the glyph
> will have to be smaller, leading to problems for small sizes.
> Not 6, to avoid orangification. 
> Green for fresh, ready, go makes sense. Should be a warm green, though.

Generally I agree. With regard to size, we /could/ use the circles @
48px and above and the simple glyph below?

Basically consider the use size. Which I think we could do more of.

-Cory K.

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