[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] mimetypes

Cory K. coryisatm at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 21:24:06 BST 2009

spg76 wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We could do something like the "WAV" icon in #2.  Where the design is
>> the same for the mimes but the text changes.
> I made some other samples and render the icons to show you how it looks in
> Nautilus.
> http://files.getdropbox.com/u/113489/mime_colors2.png

I think we're on the right track but we have to somehow balance the
detail level of the glyphs. ie: the video vs. the audio glyph.

>> And I agree with mac_v that we should drop the text (and maybe the lower strip) below 24px. Maybe just center the glyph.
> Yeah, this is why I like mac_v's idea. Because we can remove the strip and
> the text and still recognize the icon for the color.
>> Or even just lose the paper entirely @16px?
> I though about this but, although it give us more space for details, I don't
> know if it's such a good idea.

I'd like to try it. See how it works out.

-Cory K.

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