[ubuntu-art] mailing list

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 27 22:27:44 GMT 2009

On Tuesday 27 January 2009 21:32:38 Nicklas Widlund Bjurman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Kenneth Wimer <kwwii at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 27 January 2009 16:07:30 Anton Kerezov wrote:
> >> В 16:00 +0100 на 27.01.2009 (вт), Kenneth Wimer написа:
> >> > I've received notice from the admins that they are ready to make this
> >> > change. Basically, we will move the current list to ubuntu-art-discuss
> >> > and then use this list as a moderated forum for people to get things
> >> > done without the bother of the discussion.
> >>
> >> So When I post a message regarding an update of a theme for example
> >> people will still be able to discuss it here, right? If not can you
> >> explain the concept for those of us that don't understand it fully.
> >
> > You can still post any and all information you'd like to, only in the
> > future it will be on the ubuntu-art-discuss list. We will move all the
> > archives and the users currently on this list to the new one
> > (ubuntu-art-discuss). In addition we will make ubuntu-art a moderated
> > list only for those people who have or are currently contributing
> > something directly.
> And what about newcomers who want to contribute art...
> If this list becomes restricted in such a way, where are new people suppose
> to post there art?

They can still post them on the wiki and discuss them on the 
ubuntu-art-discuss list. The two lists will not be mutually exclusive so 
there will be information traded between the two.


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