[ubuntu-art] [Fwd: Gtk+ 3.0 Theming API Hackfest Minutes]

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Tue Feb 24 10:25:01 GMT 2009


A peak at the probable future, highlights are use of CSS, themed
animation support and ARGB: 

-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Alberto Ruiz <aruiz at gnome.org>
> To: GTK Development List <gtk-devel-list at gnome.org>
> Subject: Gtk+ 3.0 Theming API Hackfest Minutes
> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:30:06 +0000
> Hello everyone,
> at last, the hackfest is done, and that doesn't mean that we don't
> have a whole lot of work ahead of us. But at least we have a team of
> people trying to push an idea forward.
> This is a rough summary of the agreements/plans we did during the hackfest:
> * Get rid of style properties and replace them with global padding (on GtkBin)
> * Get rid of GtkRCStyle and GtkStyle (Cody to work on a smooth migration path)
> * An extensible GtkStyle replecament that allows to get rid of the
> detail string (Carlos Garnacho's GtkStyleContext).
> * All drawing funcitions to use a cario context and hide GtkWidget and
> GdkWindow (Strong request from 3rd party toolkits)
> * Use a CSS syntax for theme files (work with Jens to find a way to
> make Qt and Gtk+ files somewhat compatible in the future if possible)
> * Use CSS matching rules to apply to the scene graph (hierarchy, siblings...)
> * Deprecate (polygon, diamond, tab, shadow primitives).
> * New GtkStateType (bit field that allows multiple states at the same time).
> * Have a comprehensive list of the widget parts (pseudo elements)
> available in the toolkit. (Right now implicit in hierarchy+detail
> string).
> * Try to keep the primitives as small as possible (draw_part + special
> cases like draw_text_layout...)
> * Themed animation support (garnacho's timeline+stylecontext)
> * Hit detection (allow engines to push the last shape drawn to the
> style context, use of the transformation matrix to support layout
> animations to detect hits).
> * Basic CSS support in the default engine, full CSS support in a full
> featured CSS engine (Robert Staudinger work on libcroco/libccss).
> * ARGB by default
> * Port the 2.x default engine to use cairo natively.
> Yes, loads of crazy stuff, but we think we can do it, we would
> appreciate any feedback.
> Some branches where people are trying out stuff:
> * git://github.com/aruiz/gtk-roles-and-siblings.git (hit detection
> support based on garnacho's style-context, checkout the style-context
> branch)
> * git://github.com/garnacho/gtk-roles-and-siblings.git (garnacho's
> style-context and animation support, checkout the style-context
> branch)
> * git://github.com/thos/gtk-cairo-engines.git (2.x default engine port to cairo)
> * http://bzr-playground.gnome.org/~robsta/libccss-selection-engine/
> (improvements towards support needed features of CSS)
Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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