[ubuntu-art] Artwork Deadline One

John Baer baerjj at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 00:25:48 GMT 2009

On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 12:00 +0000, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:

> Very cool. I have always loved the transparent backgrounds, they are
> hard to
> get right, but I think TumbleWeed is very good.
> I am not sure that the jackalope should be so prominent... on lighter
> backgrounds it stands out quite a lot, and not all people will know
> the
> Ubuntu 9.04 has anything to do with Jackalopes.
> Having the jackalope in the bg is a cool idea, but I think it needs to
> blend
> in with the background a lot better. Maybe having the subtle contours
> of a
> jackalope made in the weed?  The really tricky part is that people not
> "in
> the know" should not notice it, while people with prior affiliation to
> Ubuntu should notice it straight away.


I changed Jaunty to the same color as the default background color. The
horns are only slightly orange to agree with the story.


In some ways this will be fun as folks discover this elusive Jackalope
when the background color is changed.



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