[ubuntu-art] Karmic boot and login - proposed designs

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Mon Aug 10 19:19:05 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-08-10 at 14:55 +0100, Mat Tomaszewski wrote:

> The latest designs can be viewed here: 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo. We're looking 
> forward to your feedback!

I see lots of steps in the gradients of the splash screen. It made me
wonder if I'm looking at a JPG, but it is a PNG. Now I do know that this
issue comes up with dark and brown tones easily, and to some degree it
might be my display.

I thought having the original 3 colors in the CoF was all important? Did
that idea walk out with Mr. Hubbard? I'm not trying to mock you here, I
really just wonder.

The overall impression is simply not friendly. It tries to be cool, but
for something brownish, it sure looks cold. One could think of an
interrogation room.

The light spot implies a room with depth: a light shining down unto a
floor. The logo and throbber don't connect to that, but that might be
OK. Not so for the selection box (GDM). It just hangs there, destroying
the impression of a room, while having nothing that would give depth to
itself (like a shadow). Just a flat thing of darkness.

The double framing inside the account box doesn't buy you anything.

The menus emphasize the conflict of flat darkness vs brownish depth.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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