[ubuntu-art] Lines of Authority - Controlled Membership

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 22 19:03:04 BST 2009

Andrew wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:18 PM, John Baer <baerjj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Very simply what are our requirements for membership?
>> 1) ask to join (mail list)
>> 2) disclose interest (mail list)
>> 2) agree to "code of conduct" (need to validate)
>> 3) create launchpad account (need to validate)
>> 4) create a wiki personal page (need to validate)
>> 5) Others (?)
>> Why wouldn't someone make the team?
>> * doesn't ask
>> * has no interest
>> * does not agree to "code of conduct"
>> * no launchpad account
>> * poor fit (Ken's call)
> I like this suggestion. It keeps membership very open but solves the
> issue of the current Launchpad team being essentially useless.


>> Who will validate our requirements are satisfied?
> Launchpad can do some of this itself. I believe that you can set a
> team so that it only allows people who have signed the "Code of
> Conduct" to be members.

No. I believe much like the current membership boards that approve
regional Ubuntu membership, my proposed 5-member council can to the
approvals. To me, simply signing the COC is not enough for membership.

>> In the case of Fedora I believe any existing team member can validate a
>> request for membership. I believe this will work for us but in all cases the
>> final decision is Ken's or Ken's delegate.
> Launchpad limits this a bit. AFAIK there are three types of teams availiable:
> Open (what we have now)
> Moderated (one of the team administrators must approve membership applications)
> Restricted (people can't apply to join, only team administrators can
> add new members)
> Moderated teams can be set so that when someone applies through
> Launchpad a email is sent to the mailing list.

Yes. So we make the team "Moderated" and at monthly meetings the council
approves/denies new members.

> I would also suggest that we make the team auto-expire memberships so
> that only people that are still interested and active can be on the
> team. It can be set so that either renewal is done by an administrator
> or by the team member themselves. I think allowing people to renew
> themselves would be fine for us. We just want to ensure they're still
> interested. No more 700+ inactive members....

Yes. I propose a 6-month limit.

-Cory K.

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