[ubuntu-art] Hanso Theme

James Schriver jws141 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 20 02:46:56 BST 2009

I'm in the process of developing a highly usable dark/hybrid theme for
Karmic.  I've been using the theme for over a week and it's very usable
in it's current state.  

The focus of this theme is to make something a bit different from the
normal hybrid theme and demonstrate that brown can be beautiful while
still saying "Hey, is that Ubuntu?".  A majority of all dark gtk themes
is that a majority are black/grey.  This theme is a dark rich brown with
pronounced gradients on the toolbars.  This may appear a bit obtrusive
to some but the effects will grow.  A majority of sites (Google Docs,
Sprint, etc) use this type of gradient on their toolbars and it does
give a modern dimensional appeal to it.  

Another common issue I had was with darker themes, is that they looked
highly detailed with contrast during the day, but as the day grew on and
the lighting environment darkened, the dark themes became a bit bland
and washed out.  I seem to have managed to mitigate that issue, at least
for my eyes.

The metacity theme is a modification of DiMetacity, by Ken Vermette, one
the most talented artists to work with the Ubuntu community,

I will make a Wiki page when I have some time, but overall it's mostly
complete.  All trouble applications seems to work as well.

Thanks to SiDi for the suggestion of darkening the menu_items and
lessening the gradients on the menubar.  This proved to be a usability
issue over time as the window border was not as pronounced.  The menubar
is now striped utilising murrine.

Please report any bugs / suggestions.

The code can be found at:


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