[ubuntu-art] Gettin' our @$$3$ in gear. or, a team restructuring.

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Sun Apr 19 19:53:14 BST 2009

On Sun, 2009-04-19 at 12:52 -0400, Cory K. wrote:

> 3. Formation of a 5-person (or so) art council to be made up of
> currently trusted members.
>     Pretty much self-explanatory. I would propose: (and this is just off
>     the top of my head. don't feel slighted if I don't list you)
>         * Kenneth Wimer - Our Canonical contact and generally smart dude.
>         * Thorsten Wilms - Great command of design theory and good
>           documentation skills.
>         * Jonathan Austin - Great artist. (if he's up to it)

Oh, and in this order:

 * Cory K., because he kicks our @$$3$.
 * Sebastian Porta (though I bet he prefers to stay the most productive
of all of us ;)
 * Anton Kerezov
 * Saleel
 * John Baer
 * (Rico Sta Cruz, if he ever comes back)

Any additions, reactions?

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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