[ubuntu-art] Fwd: Any release party poster proposals?

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Tue Apr 14 14:43:11 BST 2009

On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 22:05 +0300, Stas SUSHKOV wrote:
> Updated:
> http://stas.nerd.ro/pub/ubuntu-md/ubuntu-md.png
> Sources:
> http://stas.nerd.ro/pub/ubuntu-md/

It looks harsh, loud and crowded to me.

I think you could greatly and easily improve it by making the whole
speech bubble white (or with just a subtle yellow tint). Then you could
get rid of the area around the head, which would give you more room to

You should switch everything but "ubuntu" and maybe "jaunty" to a font
that doesn't look like a joke. MgOpen Moderna would be worth a try, but
you have to pay attention to the kerning.

You should tweak the position and size of the bubble and the jackalope
such that the jackalope either doesn't touch the bubble at all, or has
parts that clearly overlap it; the just touching the curve as it is
right now looks accidental and hurst both shapes.

Give the Jackalope colors that don't make it resemble a disabled gui

Drop that "skyline" in the background, it only adds noise and clashes
with the zick-zack.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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