[ubuntu-art] Mandating usage of free tools.

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 12 10:00:02 BST 2009

On Saturday 11 April 2009 21:04:59 Cory K. wrote:
> This is something I thought about before but was reminded of so here goes.
> I believe that *all* submissions for official art or projects under the
> art team be created with free tools.

While that would be nice, it is unrealistic. We have to let people work with 
the tools they know. Naturally, informing people about oss tools and why they 
would want to switch is better than pushing.

That said, we should definitely ask for free and open formats when possible.


> No more wallpapers done with Photoshop and the like for instance. All
> submissions done with free formats also. All images would be PNG/SVG.
> There's something flawed about promoting a free OS and creating it's
> look with another. (Win/OSX) My personal philosophy is "use the right
> tool for the job" and our tools are plenty capable.
> Might be a bit of zealotry but that's my proposal.
> -Cory K.

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