[ubuntu-art] Art council/open team

Murat Gunes mgunes at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 12 05:02:10 BST 2009

On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 23:39 -0400, Cory K. wrote:

> Yo! Murat! How are you? :)

Just moved a new house and poorer than ever..

> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork#About%20the%20Artwork%20Team
> "The goal of the "Artwork Team" is to produce artwork for the
> /community/ side of Ubuntu."

I'm aware of the change in that description; however, the team is still
titled "Ubuntu Artwork Team", which will inevitably keep reinforcing the
age-old misconception that this "team" is responsible from Ubuntu's
default appearance.

Renaming the existing free-for-all-to-join team to "Ubuntu Community
Artwork/Design Team" (I'd prefer "Design"), or a better name to be
decided upon which would emphasize the fact you quoted above and go
further in defining what we are not, and loudly, repeatedly announcing
the redefinition of the the team's focus, as well as the possible new
structure on the Fridge, related mailing lists, the forums and other
relevant places would be good ideas.


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