[ubuntu-art] Organizing Artwork Wiki

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 6 14:06:53 BST 2009

On Monday 06 April 2009 14:44:09 Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-04-05 at 21:44 -0400, John Baer wrote:
> > > So far I made an exception for Breathe, though, as one might argue it
> > > should be in Incoming. I don't dare to touch it without asking Cory
> > > because he's Cory and think it deserves a little extra emphasis :)
> >
> > I believe Cory will agree to changes that add value to Breathe.
> Cory, are you listening?
> >       * Artwork               (CategoryArt)
> >
> > 1st level
> >
> >       * Artwork/Archives      (CategoryArtArchives)
> >       * Artwork/Banners       (CategoryArtBanners)
> >       * Artwork/Releases      (CategoryArtReleases)
> >       * Artwork/Documentation (CategoryArtDocumentation)
> >       * Artwork/Governance    (CategoryArtGovernance)
> >       * Artwork/GtkThemes     (CategoryArtGtkThemes)
> >       * Artwork/GdmTheme      (CategoryArtGdmTheme)
> >       * Artwork/IconThemes    (CategoryArtIconThemes)
> >       * Artwork/AudioThemes   (CategoryArtAudioThemes)
> >       * Artwork/Meetings      (CategoryArtMeetings)
> >       * Artwork/Guidelines    (CategoryArtGuidelines)
> Banners:
> Maybe the countdown banners should be added to the pages in Archives.
> I don't see much need for such a Category, currently.
> Governance:
> I doubt there's enough to say on Governance
> Documentation/Guidelines:
> I intent to collect both technical documentation and guidelines in
> Documentation and will only consider creating a separate Guidelines if
> it gets too crowded.

I agree completely with Thorsten on all 3 of these.

> Interesting proposal to get rid of Incoming. But you will have the same
> problem as we have now, with a theme starting on a release-specific
> page, later needing a page elsewhere if the development spans across
> several releases.
> There's a whole lot of stuff in Incoming, so it would be a lot of work.
> I'll let other chime in here.

Again, I agree with Thorsten. There needs to be a place to do current work 
which may or may not even be finished. I don't have an opinion as to what that 
should be named, but it's always been incoming and that has worked fine so far. 
Maybe there is a good reason to rename it?

> >       * Artwork/Documentation/OfficalArtwork
> OfficialArtwork doesn't belong in Documentation, because it just
> isn't ;)
> It's kinda the counter-part to Incoming.
> > 2nd level (release example)
> >
> >       * Artwork/Releases/Intrepid/TooHuman      (CategoryArtReleases)
> >       * Artwork/Releases/Jaunty/photo_wallpaper (CategoryArtReleases)
> >
> >
> > 2nd level (IRC meetings example)
> >
> >       * Artwork/Meetings/Calendar               (CategoryArtMeetings)
> >       * Artwork/Meetings/2008May13              (CategoryArtMeetings)
> If we pick up meetings again, date and agenda of the next one should be
>  directly on the Meetings page. Previous can go to a single or several
>  sub-pages, but it's moot to discuss this as long as no meetings happen.

Actually, the way we notify people of meetings and where the minutes and such 
go is not completely up to us. The reporting pages and such were defined by
Jono and team quite some time ago. Maybe in the meantime things have changed 
or perhaps there is some flexibility that I am not aware of though.

> > To support Launchpad/bazzar, the desire is to link back to a home URL.
> > Using Breathe as an example, this project has and will span multiple
> > Ubuntu releases so the home page shouldn't reside under the current
> > "incoming" or proposed "releases" branch. IMO these projects should have
> > a home URL under a branch which describes the effort (e.g. IconThemes).
> Not worth it as long there isn't even a 2nd icon theme and it should be
> a minimum of 3 to not look silly.


> I see you keep editing
> > > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/WikiDesign
> so people should have a look.

Getting quite complicated. It seems you have defined your ideas well but 
perhaps there is a way to make this information more understandable? In 
addition, this seems very final to me whereas I understood the purpose of this 
page to be a place for everyone to put their ideas for how the wiki should be 
structured. If we intend to use this page as the final structure we should 
discuss any changes before editing the page.

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