[ubuntu-art] Organizing Artwork Wiki

John Baer baerjj at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 15:03:56 BST 2009


A task we can perform that should not be dependent upon a pending wiki
re-design is organizing our content.

Your efforts are a step in the right direction!

IMO we should lay out and agree to the desired organizational structure
of our pages and then move content to this structure.

Once this is in place we should monitor the "Artwork" branch to ensure
new content is placed appropriately.

The desire of the following page is to assist with that effort.


Again, I suggest we design the desire solution, document, and then
create tasks to achieve the agreed result.

One thing I noticed is wiki response time is not as good as it should
be. A good example is the "WikiDesign" page.

I don't know if the solution is tweaks to MoinMoin or adding more
hardware. :)


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