[ubuntu-art] Murrina Humanity

Alex Armstrong alehandrof at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 22:02:35 BST 2009

Hey folks,

I'm the author of the theme Nine, about which I posted a couple months
back. My latest work is a re-imaging of Dark Room.

Murrina Nine VIIc Humanity (or Murrina Humanity, as it's known to its
friends) can be found here:

The reason I did not post it on the wiki is that the sheer number of
broken/ugly widgets that are endemic to dark GTK+ themes, especially in
OpenOffice, make it unlikely to be considered for inclusion with Ubuntu.
(If this is fallacious, please undeceive me.) The reason I am posting
here is that despite its shortcomings, the theme was made with this
community in mind. I hope some of you may use or find use for it.


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