[ubuntu-art] Creating icons for the future, FreeDesktop, Human and Breathe.

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 2 19:19:49 BST 2009

In creating the Breathe icon set I'm becoming pretty familiar with how
various sets and standards work. Along with what I don't like.

For instance. I like how the GNOME set provides naming for specific
optical media. DVDs, +/_Rs and the like. It allows me to add specific
touches for the different disks. As an artist/designer/user, I like that. :)

But, even though icon-naming-utils takes care of these with symlinks I
feel these should be FreeDesktop standards. Where: "gnome-dev-disc-cdr"
would be: ""media-optical-cdr" in FreeDesktop.

Now, pushing for that change upstream aside, do you guys think creating
"media-optical-cdr" (with symlinks) now instead of "gnome-dev-disc-cdr"
would be best, or just stick with specific icons for
"gnome-dev-disc-cdr" and change later?

I'm hoping Andreas can chime in here. (I'll also contact dobey as well)

-Cory K.

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