[ubuntu-art] Retreat from Ubuntu Artwork
scholli_tz at yahoo.de
Wed Apr 1 13:02:12 BST 2009
Am Mittwoch 01 April 2009 13:14:08 schrieb Thorsten Wilms:
> Hi!
> With the possible exception of some work for The Fridge, I will pull out
> of all ubuntu-related artwork!
> I'm worried about the move of dumping brown for Karmic and have been
> less and less satisfied with the distribution.
> I'm preparing to join the Fedora artwork community instead, now that it
> seems save to say they will not make another mistake like the artwork
> for 7, which was too imaginative and hence distracting from the cold,
> hard work we all should be doing.
> (see http://pthree.org/2009/02/05/ubuntu-vs-fedora-artwork/)
> Sadly they have an elitist approach and don't just let everyone in
> before submitting artwork meeting some "quality level", but I'm
> confident I can make it and look past this silly step.
> Too bad I didn't finish my wallpaper collection, but I think I can turn
> them all blue for Fedora!
> I will miss the short and to-the-point, heart-felt comments we sometimes
> got to enjoy here, but I have to move on.
> Farewell!
> --
> Thorsten Wilms
> thorwil's design for free software:
> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/
hmm, who dicided the wallpapers in Ubuntu always must have brown-tones.
Africa is a colourfull country like every country is. :) Orange Icons fits
well with white, blue, yellow , brown and dark-tones. Fedora is making almost
all in blue-tones. But the Linux-User would appreciate more a Linux-
Distributor who cover all colour-palettes, so the Themes haves diferent
colours, too. And with the most Themes the brown-tones don't fit in the easy
way. I like the Ubuntu-Wallpapers-Artwork, but I never use it ... maybe it's
because I don't like the colour brown as background.
PS: Thorsten, best wishes and thanks for all what you did right now. It's a
great pitty that finially nobody can check out the render-script with the
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