[ubuntu-art] Early Breathe Submissions

Andreas Berger andi.berger at edumail.at
Tue Sep 30 06:37:52 BST 2008

Thorsten Wilms schrieb:
> Hi!
> We now have 3 items on the submissions page, all thanks to Sebastian
> Porta.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Submissions
> After talking with Cory, we decided that it's best if all submissions
> there are also announced to the list, so they can be discussed in the
> open. It's also a good idea to join us on IRC, #ubuntu-artwork.
> I already provided feedback to the artist on the first user-trash and
> the dictionary and don't want to repeat it here now.
> Cory and I are quite happy about the user-trash2. It provides a good
> impression of depth in the large size. This could perhaps be improved
> for smaller size by making the inner wall darker.
> The recycling logo is very nice on the large size, but perhaps the arrow
> heads need to stand out a bit more for smaller sizes.
> The shading on the main body gives a good impression of half-matt
> plastic. The border on the top is less convincing. Maybe it's just the
> lack of a shadow beneath it.
> The base of the bin needs to be darker. The rounded edge above the base
> would benefit from a smooth darker gradient.
> I'm not sure about the color, as I think we should avoid making
> everything orange, but we could get back it after other icons are in.
> We will likely need a few iterations, anyway.
> Cory was already willing to place it on the accepted icon page. With a
> few tweaks as mentioned above, I will agree :)
user-trash2, totally agree on that, looks awesome! no more cheap gloss. 
(the analogy between the recycling logo and ubuntu logo is striking :-)

i have a question on the dictionary icon: why is it presented from such 
a sideways angle, unlike the trash? i think you should keep consistent 
here, and the frontal view of the trash is just perfect. (i know that 
osx abandoned their pseudo-3d-angle icons because of cover-flow, and we 
never know what may be coming next in ubuntu, just think of the desktop 

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