[ubuntu-art] Hiatus of Development

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 04:07:34 BST 2008

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:30 PM, SzerencseFia <szerencsefia at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ken Vermette wrote:
> > Hello everyone;
> >
> > I'm emailing more/less because of a fundamental change in my schedule.
> > For those that don't know, I'm in an extremely compressed electronics
> > course thats the equivalent of learning 2 years of college in less than
> > 6 months.
> >
> > Obviously, to develop artwork to the best of anyones ability - time is a
> > significant investment, and it's no longer an investment I have to
> > offer. This is somewhat obvious when you look at my sparse updates on my
> > own projects. Until I have a less hectic schedule, I'll be unsubscribing
> > the mailing list and discontinuing work. I personally apologize to those
> > whom I've said I would assist, especially with Breathe, but I cannot
> > jeopardize my career to continue.
> >
> > If anyone has time, and would like to take over Didymous, I would be
> > much obliged.
> >
> > Good luck with all your projects, as always, outstanding stuff everyone!
> >
> > Thank you;
> > -Ken Vermette
> >
> Ken, I am sorry to hear that.  Shall you be available via this email
> address?
> --
> Cheers, Erno [szerencsefia]
> ---
> Home: http://www.szerencsefia.webs.com/
> WhoIs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SzerencseFia
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art

You can reach me directly at vermette at gmail.com. I'll do my best to get back
to any emails, no guarantees on how long it might take though if it's
anything involved. I do understand I'm leaving a few loose ends.

-Ken Vermette
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