[ubuntu-art] Murrine documentation.

Andrea Cimitan andrea.cimitan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 19:36:01 BST 2008

2008/9/23 Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com>:
> Andrea Cimitan wrote:
>> I know it's my fault, but I can't do both coding and
>> documentation...
> Well who best to document than the one who makes the code?
> Nobody works closely with you on the code so nobody knows it as well. I
> would wrap up the loose ends before I went away. Just me.
> Otherwise, this will just be another in a long line of badly documented
> free software projects.
> -Cory K.

I've decided to start murrine-themes on launchpad (well, not me but a
good themer) for this reason: giving few example themes to show the
capabilities of the engine, where themers could start working by using
their gtkrc(s) as a base.
When the other project "gtkconf/murrine configurator" will be ready
(but you should ask the developers on launchpad and not me), editing
murrine themes will be a lot easier.

As I've said, documentation and some improvements for murrine will
follow, but at first I would try to get some money to buy a cheap
laptop. I'm a student, and I do not have the means on my own to buy a
new one. Partially from donations and some small jobs I hope to
accomplish this task before gnome 3.0 :)

At last, the murrine code is quite modular so there's no reason you,
community, should stop working on new mockups/widgets styles that I
may add in the future (when I'll have an eeepc, before gnome 3.0 i
hope :D).

Cheers cory!


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