[ubuntu-art] Hiatus of Development

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 21:11:37 BST 2008

Hello everyone;

I'm emailing more/less because of a fundamental change in my schedule. For
those that don't know, I'm in an extremely compressed electronics course
thats the equivalent of learning 2 years of college in less than 6 months.

Obviously, to develop artwork to the best of anyones ability - time is a
significant investment, and it's no longer an investment I have to offer.
This is somewhat obvious when you look at my sparse updates on my own
projects. Until I have a less hectic schedule, I'll be unsubscribing the
mailing list and discontinuing work. I personally apologize to those whom
I've said I would assist, especially with Breathe, but I cannot jeopardize
my career to continue.

If anyone has time, and would like to take over Didymous, I would be much

Good luck with all your projects, as always, outstanding stuff everyone!

Thank you;
-Ken Vermette
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