[ubuntu-art] Dust menubar evolution

Bharat Varma nbharatvarma at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 11:34:00 BST 2008

2008/9/16 Adam Gusztav Nagy <gusztee at gmail.com>

> i dont like the gradient menubars eighter, but thats true that without
> them it gets boring, however I think with increasing the gradient of the
> titlebar would help this problem, it would make the whole top look
> better, but the menubars could be still flat. i ll attach a screenshot
> it will explain itself i hope.
> http://m.blog.hu/os/osline/image/dustgradient.png

I second this suggestion.  The bulged menu bars sort of make windows look
like they have speed bumps ( no offence )
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