[ubuntu-art] intrepid update

Adam gusztee at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 15:30:39 BST 2008

How do you guys like this?

it has no pixmaps, only pure murrine. i started it as a deviation of the
dust theme, so its based on Ricos code. Avoiding pixmaps solves a lot of
issues. for example it lets you change any colors.

Only problems are the applications with java based guis, however i think
in the next cycle we have to push them to their guis, since its stupid
to avoid themes with gradient toolbars because of some developers who
doesnt care about their gui, or becouse of java the bad java
implementation. Ubuntu is strong enough to push them to fix their

By the way, if anyone knows how to address the toolbar for every
java?swing application in gtkrc, than please let me know, it would solve
every bug. 


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