[ubuntu-art] Kyūdō: Who to design for?

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Wed Oct 8 20:44:39 BST 2008


A little extension of the "Who to design for?" section:

While the age range of current and potential users might reach quite far
in both directions, we assume a peak somewhere between 20 and 35. 

One could ask: Who is Ubuntu good for? Who will benefit from its key
characteristics the most? Here there is a risk to end up in a loop,
though. So we prefer to ask: 

Who do we want to attract next? 

Trendsetters who will lead others to follow. People who are visible in
their computer use. Those who have interesting capabilities to add to
our community. Those who have the glamour we would like for Ubuntu
itself. Young web-savvy professionals. 

This should lead to attributes such as young, modern, progressive,
sharp. All of which can be thought to be fitting or desirable for

People like that will often be accustomed to proprietary software, some
without good free alternatives. But with the available free software, we
can offer the following benefits: 

      * no license cost. For some professionals, these costs are
        negligible. But for students and newcomers and in countries with
        a weak economy, this can be a big issue. 
      * no license tracking required. Need another copy of the software?
        No problem! 
      * no copy protection, no dongles: no hassle! 
      * lower risk of lock-in. No closed file formats. 
      * sharing and collaboration are made easy, as virtually anyone can
        get a copy of the used software. 
      * the possibility to get involved in free software projects. 

The overarching theme here is freedom in a very pragmatic sense. no
chains, but also no pretentious kitsch! 

We should show that artists and designers are involved to lead the way
for others to follow.

Anything to add or change?

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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