[ubuntu-art] Kyūdō: Working on the Foundation

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 09:50:18 BST 2008

2008/10/4 Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at freenet.de>:
> Hi!
> I just cleaned stuff up a bit and added sections about the consequences
> for the theme that can be derived from Ubuntu's goals and
> characteristics.
> Moved Message and Audience to its own page.
> Please have a look at the following and tell me if you have anything to
> add or edit:
> From:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Foundation
> The foundation consists of the considerations at the very core of the
> project. It's the starting point and what everything else will build
> on.
> Briefing
> Within in the long-term goal of achieving an optimal presentation for
> the Ubuntu GNU/Linux Distribution:
> Create and deliver an optimal theme for each release, starting with
> Jaunty Jackalope. Where optimal means: made to the project participants
> best ability within a release cycle, with the aim to further the goals
> of Ubuntu.
> Optionally: create additional themes to meet the needs of other or more
> specific audiences or specific uses.

I am a bit unclear about the scope of Kyudo. When you talk about
"themes" I get the idea that it is only about the desktop theme
(traditional gtk+metacity+icons+gdm (+bootsplash etc)) is that right?

Because my idea of a "whole unified presentation" also involves themes
for the relevant web sites out there, as well as providing web buttons
and flags people can use in their blogs and probably other things I
haven't thought of. Would something like:
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/DesignService make sense for the
art/kyudo team?

Another thing I can not fully figure out, more related to the /Process
document... Roadmapping; it is not expressed that stuff should be
roadmapped (with dates/deadlines!) - it not only helps you (and more
importantly: others) in accessing whether you will be ready on time,
but in my usual work flow this is also a key element in evaluation
part of the work.

Historically we have tried a bit of half-hearted road mapping, but it
has always just ended up outdated and misleading, so that is a good
reason to avoid it otoh. If one does not stick to the roadmap and
update it frequently it is actually better not to have (a public) one.

Last clarification: Leadership. What will the structure of the
organization be? The current complete non-organization of the artwork
team is a disaster nothing less, that is my humble opinion at least.
Things such as a clear decision making process and responsibility
assignment are paramount if Kyudo is meant to have a professional
workflow and be more inviting to cooperations such as Canonical.

Anyways these are just my opinions and you should of course take Kyudo
in the direction that makes sense to you. And thanks for the excellent
documents, I read them with delight :-)


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