[ubuntu-art] Naxos Theme Clear Version

SorinN nemes.sorin at gmail.com
Sat Oct 4 13:11:32 BST 2008

Rico I like your energy ...but about -> "Color schemes are probably one of
the most subjective things" I wish to ask you if U are sure ..or U just
think ?

Because I am sure AND -> Color schemes are NOT one of the most subjective

There are rules - researches -  studies - case studies - GUI studies,
CROMOTHERAPY is a part of the recovery medicine, etc. Apple use those known
rules - we won't ( is so simple... ).

Finally - you will think what you like. I think about what I learn and use
on a daily basis.

Second Point : "those who prefer a grey scheme can always adjust the colors
themselves." - again a bit of subjectivity -> "US", "WE", .. the fans of
Ubuntu, ultrafans... we know how to change colors - no problem.

But think about Ubuntu scope that is to replace $MS on a large scale -
Ubuntu is not just for 3 fans like us. Designers / Photographers /

Normal peoples from the  institutions / entreprises ..and most home userbase
where XP / Vista will be replaced,  are non geeks or linux pro - they will
not change any color... ever...

This is also studied / practically observed ( they do their work - then go
home - after 100 years they will use the same win 98 UI on Vista for
example, because they start with Win95 or 98 - so they call peoples like me
to do this simple switch from Aero to basic because they don't know how to

Finally  -> Some will always prefer one over the other. <- Man - of course
water is liquid - but that's not the point here - Will be usable for the
rest of the world OR just for few fans and peoples with free time  ??
( that's the game between brown - red - orange schemes and gray - lightgray
- lightblue schemes  ) .

My respect, and 5 cents.

2008/9/22 Rico Sta. Cruz <dropbox at ambiescent.com>

> Just a word of advice:
> It's a bit of a moot point to decide on which to go with: a warm
> (beige/orange) or neutral grey color scheme. Some will always prefer one
> over the other.
> IMHO, you don't have to adjust the colors of your theme just because
> everyone clamored to have it as orange/yellow/grey/blue. Color schemes are
> probably one of the most subjective things. Just stick to your vision and
> make the nicest execution for what you have in mind. Anyway, the colors are
> adjustable for a reason: those who prefer a grey scheme can always adjust
> the colors themselves.
> Cheers!
> Rico
> Giuseppe Pennisi wrote:
> >
> > I maded a clear version of Naxos Theme. Gray and orange.
> >
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NaxosIntrepid?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NaxosClear.png
> >
> > For try the theme:
> >
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NaxosIntrepid?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NaxosClear-0.5.tar.gz
> >
> > Opinions?
> >
> > gp
> >
> > ps: I want improve panel bar
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Nemes Ioan Sorin
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