[ubuntu-art] Call to Action!

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Tue Nov 18 20:46:45 GMT 2008


= Dates =

The feature freeze for the next release, Jaunty Jackalope, is scheduled
for February 19th. No new features and no new packages afterwards. That
mainly means no additional or newer theming engines for us, then.

User interface freeze is planned for the 5th of March. The look
shouldn't change afterwards, to not obsolete screenshots for

Beta freeze, also final artwork deadline, shall be on the 19th of March.

So those dates are not that terribly far away.

= Who? =

Who here wants to see and _be_involved_ with at least one great
community theme for Jaunty Jackalope? Speak up! Tell us what you have
been doing, what you want to do, what you can do.

= Kyūdō =

I want to see us collaborate, to be greater than one.

That's one reason why I have been working on
We need common goals if we want to work together. You can find my
proposal there, within
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Foundation and
It's still open for discussion.

If you want to join this effort, the tasks at hand as I see them are:

- Go through the Kyūdō text to ask questions if anything is unclear or
seems incomplete and to generally suggest improvements. Not to forget:
to get us all on the same page ;)

- Draw mood pictures. This is a bit like making wallpapers, but it is
actually preparation for them. Here you fully concentrate on delivering
an emotion and/or idea (please see what I wrote about the Message). No
need for refinement, you don't need to be a da Vinci to participate

- Create mockups on a per-widget level. How could just a button or a
slider or any other widget look? I suggest to start on a per-widget
level to free your mind from caring about consistency and to instead
open it for new ideas. Good ideas that can't be realised for the
Jackalope will be picked up afterwards, when their time has come :)
For this, I will prepare
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Pieces with thoughts and
sub-pages for all main widgets. 

- suggest alternate/additional courses of action, if you see a need.

I expect to hear from you ;)

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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