[ubuntu-art] New Wave - Proposal

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Tue May 20 15:15:24 BST 2008

> 2008/5/20 Nick Russell <thatnickrussell at googlemail.com>:
>         I think its much better like this, especially the white.
>         Btw, is it possible to have a special mailing list (on
>         launchpad?) just for New Wave? I feel we might be clogging up
>         the art mailing list a little?
>         On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 23:50 +0200, Giuseppe Pennisi wrote: 
>         > While I was working I thought this:
>         > 
>         > http://img519.imageshack.us/my.php?image=menuproposalsh9.png
>         > 
>         > http://img148.imageshack.us/my.php?image=menuproposal2lz0.png
>         > 
>         > I like this.
>         > 
>         > For me in this way we get a sense of continuity with menu.
>         > 
>         > Giuseppe P.
> That's exactly what I proposed in the very beginning (see mockup), and
> I re-proposed in my screenshot with all the comments (see
> http://img174.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=04028_Capture_122_1178lo.jpg) but apparently it is a problem for the firefox menu (since the color of the font cannot change when the menu item is selected, the white font on a white bg is unreadable). Maybe that's something we can correct because it looks really important to me.

A few suggestions on that regard:
First, I think it would make a lot of sense to avoid compromisey
workarounds at the present time; it would be forward-thinking to get the
theme to look exactly how it should in real GTK applications and see
about having these problems fixed at their source. We have 6 months for
that to happen. By contrast, Evolution has a horribly ugly problem with
its Preferences dialog, and I don't see that being given a workaround in
the theme either. (I do see the Evolution developers being given a stern
talking to by the GTK people, though). Same deal with OpenOffice.
Speaking of which, has anyone tested this with OpenOffice 3? I
understand it has less horrendous theming.

Secondly, this is definitely not a theme-specific problem but a problem
with the programs. A bug should be filed if it hasn't been done already;
with these issues Firefox and OpenOffice.org are inconveniencing things
for everyone.

Thirdly, Firefox 3 is still a release candidate so has quite some room
for bug fixes. I say leave the workarounds for that time when all other
hope is lost and people are still set on packaging the offending (enemy
of consistency) programs as defaults.

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