[ubuntu-art] New Wave .deb

Giuseppe Pennisi giupenni78 at gmail.com
Fri May 16 17:53:04 BST 2008

Ok guy,
I managed to create an Ubuntu Package for New Wave, it's not yet perfect
but the way is right. At the soone realise available for wiki and\or LP.

I have some questions:
in the deb file in this moment I added only gtk-theme+metacity. I have
not added the incons because they aren't completed and because I think
is better make a separate deb file for incons-theme.
I don't know if can be a good idea insert in the newwave-theme.deb the
gconf file, too. Because this modified the default settings of ubuntu
about metacity opacity. But if we want show at the people our work, the
metacity opacity might be changed. For you, what is the best solution?
Include gconf in the deb file or not (but in this case we might advise
the people, via wiki or LP, of change the opacity value manually)?

Giuseppe P.

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