[ubuntu-art] New Wave

kim post at kims-area.com
Tue May 13 21:52:10 BST 2008

Am Dienstag, den 13.05.2008, 20:42 +0200 schrieb François Degrave:
> Hi everybody!
> I have some remarks about the current theme, and that is easier for me 
> to show it directly on a picture. So here it is:
> http://img174.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=04028_Capture_122_1178lo.jpg
> Reactions and answers about that are welcome!
> Cheers,
> François

Hi, you can make the dotted line of selected widgets/items dispear by

GtkWidget:: focus-line-width =0

in the gtkrc file.

	~Kim Kahns (Kimmik) - www.kims-area.com

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