[ubuntu-art] New Wave

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Tue May 13 11:04:27 BST 2008

В 09:29 +0200 на 13.05.2008 (вт), François Degrave написа:
>         > > I'm currently trying the HumanElephant one, and it is not
>         bad at all -
>         > > not perfect, but much better than Human. I think we should
>         keep an
>         > > orange one (less shiny, though) else we won't have any
>         chance to
>         > > integrate orange in the theme, and then it won't even be
>         considered
>         > > for default.
>         I agree. You can even make your own icon theme with more
>         modernistic and
>         elegant icons (not the comic old ones) based on existing one.
>         Thus we
>         can much more easily integrate the icons we want.
> Ok, I'm not against it. However, creating an icon theme  from scratch
> is quite a big job, and I'm not sure I have enough time for that. And
> I'm not really trained at using Inkscape for creating SVG images
> (icons should really be vector images). Maybe I can just make png's of
> them -- or a part of them, just to give the direction -- and then ask
> a "Inkscape guy" to translate everything. But that means making the
> job twice...
> I don't know. Maybe we could begin with searching for good candidates
> for the icon theme and then modify them -- color, shape of such or
> such icon -- to fit our desires. So if a you have some time to kill on
> gnome looks, don't hesitate!
> François

I had exactly this in my mind - find an appropriate icon theme, modify
it a bit (not the whole one) to look more modern and voala - you have
new theme.

About the border thing I will see shat i can do about it.

Something like that:

Current style:

Proposed style (note the gradient):


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