[ubuntu-art] Liberation Fonts

Conn subpsyke at eircom.net
Mon Jun 30 18:25:58 BST 2008

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Ashton <cogneato at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have you tried Liberation Sans? I think it's a great choice. As I mentioned
> earlier, Firefox in particular, when changed from within preferences, looks
> much more crisp and clean. I don't have much experience with the other
> Liberation fonts, though.

Unfortunately I don't think it's a great choice as a system default. To my
mind (and it's a simplification), Bitstream Vera Sans (a.k.a. Sans) =
Tahoma, while Liberation Sans = Arial. The Liberation font are excellently
suited for Word documents, but the Sans variety in particular is  not suited
as a font for applications. This is especially noticeable if you use
"Slight" hinting (which I believe may become the default hinting method for
Intrepid). Purely IMHO, of course.
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