[ubuntu-art] Whats Up with This?

Michael Stephenson mickstephenson at googlemail.com
Mon Jun 30 08:55:45 BST 2008

Have you actually used the theme? Your initial disgust at the colour scheme
may subside if you actually used it and saw it in action, I know I love the
If the colour scheme isn't for you there will doubtless be many rehashes of
this theme in lighter colour schemes.  There is alot more to a theme than
the colour scheme, People are always insisting that OSX is gorgeous, well I
personally think the grey is too dark, the blue highlights are just garish
and the close ,minimize, and maximize buttons in the window border are tacky
and not as functional as the standard _ [] X. To me this is the best looking
theme I have ever seen a linux distribution ship with and the digg naysayers
are probably not ubuntu users anyway.
In summary if you havent at least tried the theme out you should not even be
posting your "opinion" on the mailing list.
Add this to your sources.list and upgrade your packages.

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kwwii/ubuntu hardy main


2008/6/30 Bharat Varma <nbharatvarma at gmail.com>:

> there will always be people who immediately oppose any change. this sort of
> criticism is essential to make a superior final product. i would definitely
> say that this is a good direction.
> i am not a fan of the color scheme currently used - i think the colors are
> too dull for a theme which demands sharper colors. and it is true that it
> does look too dark for mainstream. but i am guessing that can be changed
> easily.
> I love the window decoration and the right amount of roundedness (for me).
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Salane Ashcraft <salane89 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey Everyone...
>> What's up with this?
>> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_8_10_Intrepid_Ibex_Alpha_1_Screenshots
>> See the complaints? We cannot let this happen. This theme is even worse
>> then the default of Hardy....
>> Salane
>> salane89 at gmail.com
>> --
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> d-_-b
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