[ubuntu-art] Long Term Vision Theme

Brian Fleeger brianfleeger at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 21 16:38:11 BST 2008

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your feedback.  I will post my work with larger images into the Intrepid wiki once I finish the text explaination.  

In answer to your points:
1) the precise placement on the bottom bar is totally fluid, and up to debate.  I personally had considered placing it higher, up to about 1/3 up from the bottom, just to make it more aesthetically pleasing -- though your point about leaving more space for other functions is well taken!  I am totally upen to suggestions about what to put down there.  However, my gut reaction and part of the reason I removed the lower tool bar to begin with was to take up less panel space on smaller screens, and try to make the user interface more friendly, say like consumer electronics.  Too many panels confuses people and are just not easy on the eyes.  Of course placing other functions in the 4 corner areas (Fitt's Law) is always good in theory -- however I think it should not done in a way that sacrifices the look and feel of the interface.
2) Please specify what you mean by "notification area."  If you are refering to the main panel activated clicking the Ubuntu symbol, the version I present is the "pretty face" that includes clutter animations and allows for growing/shrinking tabbed icons.  A static version with icons of uniform size could be used on lower power systems without Compiz or Clutter enabled.  When using icons of static size, the active icon could be represented by a difference in brightness and contrast levels, and/or an icon outline.

Thank you for your input.  I will post my full work as soon as I am able!

Brian Fleeger

----- Original Message ----
From: Michael McKinley <m.mckinley at gmail.com>
To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:07:18 AM
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-art] Long Term Vision Theme

Two thoughts on the theme:
1) I think that the bar at the bottom takes up too much space.  The
area below it isn't very "usable" so will end up being wasted space
for most people.
2) I don't like how the notification area's background is
significantly different than the recent of the panel's.  Having it
look "indented" might work very well, but it has to fit smoothly in
with the panel.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:55 PM, shadowh511 <shadow.h511 at gmail.com> wrote:
> In answer to your question on placing, I think that you should
> a. put an email on the list
> b. make a page on the wiki
> c. email mark shuttleworth (sp?) about the theme
> if you ask my opinion, i would pay $400 for the ubuntu theme you have
> pictured.  It looks like is can actually make my computer usage enjoyable :)
> --
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> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
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