[ubuntu-art] Day of Ubuntu wallpaper slideshow

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 15:45:34 BST 2008

> Hi, I really appreciate this wallpaper, is there any possibility that
> it could be in Intrepid's default wallpapers, as was the static "Dawn
> of ubuntu" ?
> Also, I've just noticed you have added a 4th wallpaper in the
> slideshow (midnight), so it's even better now ! 
> But I think it might need some tweaking... For example, the transition
> between noon and dusk is too fast, so in the afternoon, the wallpaper
> is already getting blue. Maybe the dawn wallpaper could be used
> between noon and dusk ? If you want, or if anybody is interested, I
> could try some ideas like this and show you the result. 
> Yann Dìnendal

Hi Yann,

Thanks! I would not mind at all if this found its way as a default
alternative wallpaper (personally I find it way more interesting than
most of the time-lapsed wallpapers out there), although I think anything
new deserves that spot more. (Dawn of Ubuntu has already been featured,
I believe in Dapper). Still, if someone sees the need or an open spot
and wants to push the idea, go right ahead! Just keep in mind that the
associated artists (listed in the Readme) should probably be contacted
to confirm that sort of distribution.

One other issue is that the current wallpaper slideshow system has us
define an arbitrary date for when the slideshow begins. That does not
have a good effect in our case as time goes on, since it gradually gets
out of sync with my intentions. Really, that needs to be fixed before
this sort of effect can work well.

I agree about the bluish thing. I suppose that is because noon uses very
light colours for effect. A bright blue sky sort of background could do
the trick, if someone feels up to it!

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