[ubuntu-art] More Mockups

Mario Viviani mariux01 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 17:41:33 BST 2008

Il giorno dom, 27/07/2008 alle 15.42 +0200, Nicholas
Ipsen(Sephiroth_VII) ha scritto:
> Now THIS is what I've been looking for in a new Ubuntu theme.
> Beautiful work, keep it up, and let's hope it's noticed!
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Duncan Austin
> <ubuntu at readitsideways.com> wrote:
>         2008/7/26 Ken Vermette <vermette at gmail.com>
>                 I'm not entirely sure about the direction Kin and Kith
>                 are taking, especially with the whole OSX smackdown -
>                 so I'm trying something new with the themes, posting
>                 mockups of the new directions the theme could go
>                 flailing into. When I hit something half-decent, I'm
>                 going to develop it similarly to Kith/Kin, but I'd
>                 like to know I'm getting warmer first. If you post
>                 links to other themes, I'll try to incorperate what
>                 you like, wether I personally like it or not!
>                 Below are with different backgrounds...
>                 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/kin_piano_kith.png
>                 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/kin_piano_grass.png
>                 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/kin_piano_leaf.png
>                 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/kin_piano_rocks.png
>                 With buttons...
>                 http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/kin_piano_btns.png
>                 The main difference is that I've broken the slab, and
>                 made the outer rim outline protrude even farther from
>                 the block while making it more subtle. I've also
>                 switched to gray for the window contents.
>                 -- 
>                 -Ken Vermette
>         brilliant. This is well on the way to challenging Mac, IMO.
>         And it's not a copycat. If we go in this direction then the
>         first words I say when showing someone Ubuntu for the first
>         time will no longer have to be "don't worry, it doesn't have
>         to look like this"
>         Duncan 
>         --
>         ubuntu-art mailing list
>         ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art

It would be great if Ken can make available the svg's or the png's that
he used making his mockup. Thay can be used starting developing some
candidates GTK made using different engines like Murrine, Clearlooks or
Aurora.. It's almoust August so I think we can focus on coding

However, great mockups, it's original and different from OSX and
Windows, we can give Ubuntu a real "unique" appearance!


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