[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu-Title font

Justin Dugger jldugger at gmail.com
Mon Jul 14 21:32:15 BST 2008

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:56 AM, Matthew Nuzum <newz at bearfruit.org> wrote:
> The title font has improved in its more recent revisions but too many
> of the letters are shaped oddly for general use imho. The problematic
> letter we bumped into most recently was lower case 'w'.

Christian Robertson released an improved font
(http://betatype.com/node/36) but it was made in fontlab rather than
with Ubuntu tools, making it difficult for the Artwork Team to
maintain the font. Part of the work may be to integrate his changes,
but looking over the changes he's made I'm not sure I agree with all
of them.

> I'm using Arial Rounded MT Bold which is a harmonious (but non-free)
> substitute.
> Another nice rounded font that was suggested by the Web Presence team
> is MgOpen Modata, and one that was recommended but which I haven't
> tried is LMSansDemiCondensed Regular available in the lmodern package
> in Ubuntu (part of TeX).

I appreciate the offers to find another font, but I'd rather put my
effort into something unique to Ubuntu than just give up.  If the
above works, then I think we can have a much better font by intrepid
release.  At the very least, can we agree that the g glyph shipped in
hardy is not correct?

Justin Dugger

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